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Women face a greater likelihood of encountering workplace violence than men. Workplace violence victim: Anyone who has been injured, harmed, or who has suffered in some way due to acts of another while on the job or due to job related factors. Victims are not only those who are the direct targets of a violent act. They may also be those who innocently witness the act. For example, someone who witnesses a verbal or physical attack on a co-worker may suffer emotionally, mentally or physically as a result of what they saw. Victims may also be the unfortunate innocent person who is just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Types of violence: Among the types of violent acts committed in the workplace, the following are the most common: Hitting Squeezing Pinching Scratching Twisting of limbs Biting Shooting Stabbing Stalking Property damage Rape These are very traumatic experiences for the victims. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the above listed incidents resulted in victims taking 3-30 days off of work. The violent episode impacts virtually every aspect of the victims life. Because of the far-reaching effect on every aspect of the workplace, the problem must not be taken lightly. Domestic disputes are increasingly becoming a factor in workplace violence because the partner is easy to locate at work Domestic Violence and Other Factors Domestic disputes have become an important factor in workplace violence incidents. An angry spouse or significant other may come to the workplace because his/her partner is easy to find there. And often when a spouse is served with divorce papers or a court order of protection they are more likely to attempt to go to the workplace and confront the employee. And these violent incidents often affect and involve other innocent victims. Unique phenomena are the growing numbers of workers who tend to define who they are by their jobs. This presents challenges for you as the employer when conducting reviews. Since the review or appraisal is part of your company process, an employee may view this as a personal judgment and feel angry or resentful. And an employee who is unexpectedly fired may seek revenge upon those who terminated them. Some employees return months or years later to seek revenge. Societal Factors As violent acts become commonplace, society becomes desensitized to the violence. And violence becomes more acceptable. This impacts everyone at work, in the community, and the home. It then becomes the responsibility of every worker to help prevent violence in the workplace where possible. Tolerance of violence leads to an increase of violence.
According to the National Institute of Safety employees at risk for violence in the workplace include: Delivering goods and services Working late or early morning hours Working alone Guarding valuable property and goods Dealing with violent or volatile situations Those employees with the most frequent interaction with the public are those who experience the highest incidence of workplace violence. Remember that it can happen anywhere, in any workplace at any time. Having a greater knowledge is a successful tool in dealing with workplace violence. Common Traits of a Perpetrator are: Easily frustrated Anti-social behavior Very Defensive Has low self-esteem Not adaptable Consistently avoids blame Holds grudges Lacks self control History of substance abuse Abusive to animals Suspicious of others History of family problems This list suggests common traits of those who are or can become violent in the workplace. Pattern of escalation: No two situations will be the same. The following sequence will provide an example of a common pattern: 1. Some sort of trauma is suffered. This may be: A single traumatic event at home or work A series of minor events 2. Blame is placed on the situation, rather than taking personal responsibility. 3. Believes the problem is unsolvable. 4. Increased social withdrawal. Attention becomes focused on self and situation. 5. Belief that a violent act is the only way out of the problem. 6. The violent act is attempted or committed. While violent behavior is not always a result of these factors, caution is warranted when these factors are observed. Being Part of the Solution Lets say that a co-worker tells you in confidence that because of the abuse in their marriage they are finally ready to have their partner served as well as obtain an order of protection. You know that your friends partner has a history of violence, and you are trying to be supportive and keep your friends secret. This is a mistake. First, encourage your friend to tell their supervisor or someone in Human Resources and/or security. Her partner may become so angry that he storms his way into your workplace with a weapon and harms others. Perhaps a hostage situation takes place. As a result seven people died and nine were injured because you kept silent. Now, lets say you encourage your friend to tell a supervisor or security person prior to either filing the court documents or when they return back to work, a safety plan can be implemented immediately. For instance photos of the person can be distributed to all the entranceways in the event that the person would show up at work. Your friend can be temporarily re-assigned at the facility. The management and the security are prepared just in case of an incident. As a result of your actions no lives were lost, including your own. When and How to Respond Signs of Escalation for an Employee Is abusing alcohol or drugs Has suffered family trauma such as divorce or death Lost pay or benefits Feels unimportant Has suffered financial loss Has an unresolved grievance at work (perceives it is being ignored) Is having marital or domestic violence problem Is suffering from depression Makes comments regarding their work being unappreciated Feels alienated by a manager or supervisor As you observe an increasing number of warning signs in a co-worker or an employee, it should signal a greater need for caution, vigilance, and intervention. It is not necessary to judge the motives of an employee or co-worker. Just write down what you observe. Warning Signs Direct threats Angry outbursts Being verbally abusive Making serious threats Talking about harming a spouse or co-worker Obsession with violence Veiled threats Chemical/alcohol abuse Serious financial problems cant seem to concentrate Blaming other consistently Paranoia Extreme withdrawal Increased personal stress Intimidation of others Reckless/increased accidents Increase of the above mentioned behaviors Further Signs To Watch Boundary crossing. They tend to push the limits of acceptable behavior and they continue to test the established rules. Inconsistent work patterns and attendance problems. This is very common with alcohol and drug abuse. Youll also notice swings of either very high or very low productivity. Personality disorders. Their behavior has changed. They will become abusive and they will justify their behavior. They are manipulative, preoccupied with themselves, argumentative, and will show signs of dramatic mood swings. Pathological blamers. They just will not take responsibility for their own behavior. Notice if they say things like Theyre out to get me or when they blame someone else for something they did.
Common Mistakes
Tolerance of violent behavior only leads to increased violence. Some common mistakes co-workers make are: Ignore aggressive behavior Not wanting to get involved Covering up to protect a friend Failure to report aggressive behavior to management Consistently attempt to deal with the situation alone Domestic Violence Victim Resource Guide Victimss Responsibilities: Report all incidents that occur to the police. Follow through wit the States Attorneys Office. Seek an order of protection which prohibits the offender from continuing their behavior. Do not initiate any further contact with the person, unless advised to do so by legal counsel, police, or other appropriate support personnel/organization/agency. Advise your employer, security and human resource of all incidents that occur at the workplace. If you have obtained an order of protection, give a copy to security, human resources, and your immediate supervisor along with a recent photo, if possible. Always keep a copy of your order of protection papers with you at all times. Victims Safety: Let someone close to you, a friend, relative, or co-worker know everything about what is happening. Advise someone at all times of your schedule, and if your plans change. Whenever possible, alternate your daily routine(s). Dont leave for work at the usual time, if you have children make arrangements to have others you trust pick them up. Park your vehicle in a well-lit area. Always have your car keys in your hand as you approach your vehicle. If possible have someone with you when you are leaving work. Consider changing your telephone number. Additional Suggestions: Keep a log of all threatening and harassing phone calls Consider obtaining a Caller ID and/or call back feature *69) on your home phone. Check into other features Ameritech offers in your area. Consider installing a home alarm security system. Change the locks in your home. Consider installing additional lighting on the outside of your home. Gather important documents such as lease, rental agreements, house deed, Mortgage payment book, birth certificate(s), bank check books, credit cards, medical records, insurance documents, etc. And keep these items together or give them to someone you trust for safekeeping. website: www.movingoutmovingon.com Susan Murphy-Milano, respected author and nationally recognized workplace violence and relationship expert, has been a tireless advocate for all types of violence. In January of 1989, Susan's father, a Chicago Violent Crimes Detective, murdered her mother and then took his own life. In 1993 she was instrumental in the passage of the Illinois Stalking law. Susan's quest for justice has been trumpted across the pages of newspapers, magazine, radio and television. She is the author of "Moving Out Moving On" when a relationship goes wrong and "Defending Our Lives" getting away from domestic violence & staying safe (doubleday). She is a sought after speaker and her publications and books appear across the globe. See Also: Home Appraisal Values Are Critical Check The Appraisal Carefully To Avoid Being A Fraud Victim Tax Assessment/Appraisal: How Do I Know What My Home is Worth? Appraisal vs. Market Value: How to Avoid Pitfalls in the Sale of Your Home |
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